Are you living a paradox?
On the one hand, you clearly demonstrate extraordinary talent. You are inventive, intelligent and intuitive. You have effortlessly achieved expertise in surprisingly diverse areas. You leverage laser-like focus and seemingly boundless energy to reach exceptionally high levels of productivity. You are successful.
On the other hand, basic executive functions like intentional focus and time management tend to frustrate you. You experience challenges prioritizing competing concerns because everything seems equally important, and you seek the raw intensity of certain activities. You feel disorganized. You procrastinate. Despite great effort, you may underperform. You seek more consistent success.
ADHD Coaching resolves
paradoxical living
Coaching enables you to create a level of success commensurate with your high abilities and professional expertise.
It is a liberating, strategic process that enables you to use your unique style as you learn new habits and strategies for living your life. It is an effective means to realizing your full potential.
My expertise is helping other people thrive in their own areas of expertise. Whether you are diagnosed with ADHD, or you simply experience challenges with attention that tend to get in your way, our coaching partnership will enable you to:
- Get organized
- Prioritize
- Meet deadlines
- Stay on track
- Complete projects
- Build leadership skills
- Leverage your strengths
- Reach your professional and personal goals
I invite you to take a look around my web site and contact me to learn more about how ADHD coaching can make a real difference in the quality of your life.